Monday, May 11, 2009

I bet Mozart was bored a lot

My job hunting has slowed down a little bit, mainly because I don't like getting arrested more than 3 times per week and my job interviews usually end in arrest. So what have you been doing to fill the void in your life that was once work? you may be asking. I have been sitting mostly, not doing too much. I like to be bored stupid. But recently I realized that, if I had a full sized philharmonic orchestra, I could write some pretty fine music, as music has been filling my head recently.

All of these tunes disappear shortly after I think of them, and I know that they are good enough to be on commercials and stuff, if not better. I have tried remembering them, writing them down (I wish I knew how to write sheet music, because "DOO DOO dumm dumm BLEE DEE FLOOO" isn't as descriptive the next day when I am trying to remember my Opus), and telling people on the street to remember the notes as they flow from my head through my mouth and into their ears, one of which is usually enveloped by my mouth. Nothing is working, though.

So I decided to write a book about my likeness to Mozart, because the only thing that was different between us was his ability to write the music on them lines right. That and there were only like 5 songs around when he started writing, so pretty much everything was a new song. Hell, he could have farted twice and called it a sonata.

More to come.


  1. I am sorry to hear your job search isn't going so well. Post your resume to and find a job that's right for you.

  2. First, the comment above mine is awesome.

    Second, these last two were pretty good. The one previous to this one in partic' made me chuckle (stupid woman letting go of her cane, I mean she was asking for it).

    Third, my biggest critique of your earliest posts, and some of the other ones I've seen, is that in your attempt to make a joke you are essentially explaining the joke. Another, similiar critique, is that you 'break the fourth wall' but in such a manner that undermines its potential effectiveness. Said another way, you qua Barleysworth is a bit too knowing of his particular conditions that make him who he is, and so rather than embodying them, they are explained narrator style.
